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Cache data in memory. After cacheTime, the data will be automatically deleted.


class MemoryCache<Key = any, Data = any> extends EventEmitter {
static DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME: number;
static DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_TIME: number;
isReady(): boolean;
asReady(): this;
getMaxCacheTime(): number;
setMaxCacheTime(maxCacheTime: number): this;
getDefaultCacheTime(): number;
setDefaultCacheTime(defaultCacheTime: number): this;
key: Key,
data: Data,
options?: { cacheTime?: number; cacheTimestamp?: number }
): this;
set(key: Key, data: Data, options?: { cacheTime?: number }): this;
has(key: Key): boolean;
get(key: Key): Data | undefined;
getCacheTime(key: Key): number | undefined;
getCacheTimestamp(key: Key): number | undefined;
delete(key: Key): this;
clear(): this;


  • DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME: Default cache time, value is 300000.
  • DEFAULT_MAX_CACHE_TIME: Default max cache time, value is Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER. When the cacheTime is greater than or equals to the max cache time, the delete timer will no be set, which means the cache is permanent.


  • memoryCache.on("ready", () => {}): Ready event. MemoryCache is ready by default and this event will never be emitted. This event is mainly used when you build your own cache constructor which extends MemoryCache.
  • memoryCache.on("set", (key, data) => {}): Set cache event.
  • memoryCache.on("delete", (key, data) => {}): Delete cache event, including automatically delete.
  • memoryCache.on("clear", () => {}): Clear event.

Events for key

  • memoryCache.for(key).on("set", (data) => {}): Set cache event. The key is cache key.
  • memoryCache.for(key).on("delete", (data) => {}): Delete cache event. The key is cache key.


  • isReady(): Returns a boolean value indicates whether the cache is ready.
  • asReady(): Make cache ready. If the cache is not ready, "ready" event will be emitted.
  • getMaxCacheTime(): Get max cache time.
  • setMaxCacheTime(maxCacheTime): Set max cache time.
  • getDefaultCacheTime(): Get default cache time.
  • setDefaultCacheTime(defaultCacheTime): Set default cache time.
  • memorize(key, data[, options]): Set cache but no events emitted.
  • set(key, data[, options]): Set cache and "set" events will be emitted.
  • has(key): Detect whether has the cache of the specied key.
  • get(key): Get cache data of the specied key. It may be undefined.
  • getCacheTime(key): Get cache time.
  • getCacheTimestamp(key): Returns the timestamp of the cache。
  • delete(key): Delete cache manually. Invoking this method will emit "delete" events.
  • clear(key): Clear all caches. It will emit "clear" event.


import { MemoryCache } from "@lilib/utils";

const cache = new MemoryCache();

cache.for("user").on("set", () => {
// Do something.

fetch("/users/1").then((response) => {
cache.memorize("user", response.json());

fetch("/users/1", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ name: "Vincent" }),
}).then((response) => {
cache.set("user", response.json());