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This hook is based on useLoad. It reduces many functions for convenience, and it only supports a few options. Specially, it will never execute automatically. This hook is usually used for network requests such as creating, updating and deleting, but not reading. The LoadConfig component can only set some of the options listed below for this hook.


type PromiseResolve<T extends Promise<any>> = T extends Promise<infer P>
? P
: never;
type LoadCallback = (...args: any[]) => Promise<any>;
type LoadData<T extends LoadCallback> = PromiseResolve<ReturnType<T>>;

function useSubmit<Callback extends LoadCallback>(
callback: Callback,
options?: {
idle?: boolean;
fallback?: Callback;

retry?: boolean;
retryLimit?: number;
retryInterval?: number | ((count: number) => number);
fallbackRetry?: boolean;
fallbackRetryLimit?: number;
fallbackRetryInterval?: number | ((count: number) => number);

onSuccess?: (data: LoadData<Callback>) => void;
onFailure?: (error: any) => void;
onFinally?: () => void;
): {
submitting: boolean;
submit: (...params: Parameters<Callback>) => ReturnType<Callback>;


  • callback: A function returns a promise object.
  • options: Options object.
    • options.idle: Run callback during the browser's idle periods. You can set an object contains a timeout property to limit the max waiting time.
    • options.fallback: When the callback function reject an error and the count of retries has been exhausted, the fallback function will be called.
    • options.retry: Enable retry callback. Default is false.
    • options.retryLimit: Callback retry limit. Default is 3.
    • options.retryInterval: Callback retry interval. Default is 0. You can set a function that returns a number value for this option, for example (count) => Math.pow(2, count).
    • options.fallbackRetry: Enable retry fallback. Default is false.
    • options.fallbackRetryLimit: Fallback retry limit. Default is 3.
    • options.fallbackRetryInterval: Fallback retry interval. It also can be a function.
    • options.onSuccess: Success event.
    • options.onFailure: Failure event.
    • options.onFinally: Finally event.


  • submitting: Submitting state. Initial value is false.
  • submit: Submit function. Used in the same way as the callback.


Number: (Loading...)
import React from "react";
import { useLoad, useSubmit } from "@lilib/hooks";

const getNumber = () => {
return new Promise<number>((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000);

function Example() {
const { data, loading, update, reload } = useLoad(getNumber);

const { submit, submitting } = useSubmit(getNumber, {
onSuccess: (result) => {

return (
<button onClick={() => submit()}>
{submitting ? "Submitting" : "Submit"}
Number: {data} {loading ? "(Loading...)" : ""}

export default Example;