Getting Started
is a React hook library.
- Supports React 16.8+, 17+ and 18+.
- Supports SSR.
- Supports React StrictMode.
- Supports network requests.
- Provides 50+ hooks.
npm install --save @lilib/hooks
# Or
yarn add @lilib/hooks
# Or
pnpm add @lilib/hooks
import React from "react";
import { useLoad } from "@lilib/hooks";
function Example() {
const { data, error, loading } = useLoad(() => {
return fetch("/users/0").then((response) => response.json());
Category | Hook | Description |
Effects | useOnce | Run effect synchronously only once. |
useMount | Run effect after the component is mounted. | |
useUpdate | Run effect after the component is updated or the deps are changed, ignore on mount. | |
useUnmount | Run effect on the component unmount. | |
useTargetEffect | It accepts functions or refs as effect dependencies. It is useful when using DOM nodes as effect dependencies. | |
useLayoutMount | It's similar to useMount , except it uses useIsomorphicLayoutEffect internally. | |
useLayoutUpdate | It's similar to useUpdate , except it uses useIsomorphicLayoutEffect internally. | |
useLayoutTargetEffect | It's similar to useTargetEffect , except it uses useIsomorphicLayoutEffect internally. | |
useIsomorphicLayoutEffect | In the DOM environment, this hook is the same as React.useLayoutEffect. In the SSR environment, it is the same as React.useEffect. | |
States | useCache | Cache data for a certain period of time. |
useToggle | Use boolean value. | |
useSetState | This hook is like this.setState method of class component. | |
useSafeState | Eliminate errors thrown by setting state when the component is unmounted. | |
useDelayedValue | Delay updating a value. | |
useMemoizedValue | Return the previous value when the value has not changed. Use deep comparison by default. | |
useThrottledValue | Throttle a value. | |
useDebouncedValue | Debounce a value. | |
Callbacks | useRaf | Invoke the callback before the browser repainting. |
useIdle | Invoke the callback when the browser is idle. | |
useTimeout | Delay running callback. | |
useInterval | Loop run callback. | |
useAnimation | Use this hook to perform JavaScript animation. | |
usePersist | Returns a function whose identifier never changes. | |
useRerender | Force rerender the component. | |
useThrottle | Use throttled callback. | |
useDebounce | Use debounced callback. | |
Refs | useLatestRef | Return a ref object whose .current property is assigned to latest updated value. |
usePreviousRef | Return a ref object whose .current property is assigned to previous updated value. | |
useComposedRef | This hook compose multiple refs into one. | |
useMountedRef | It returns a ref object that used to determine whether the component is mounted. | |
useUnmountedRef | It returns a ref object that used to determine whether the component is unmounted. | |
Browser | useTitle | Set document title. |
useFavicon | Set document favicon. | |
useOnline | Detect whether the network is online. | |
useDarkMode | Detect whether the preferred color mode of the system is dark. | |
usePageVisible | Detect whether the page is visible. | |
useWindowFocus | Detect whether the window is focus. | |
useMatchMedia | Determine if the document matches the media query string. | |
useWindowSize | Get window size. | |
useElementSize | Get DOM element size. | |
useIntersecting | Determine whether two elements intersect. | |
useClickOutside | Trigger a callback when clicking outside the target area. | |
useEventListener | Set up the event listener to the target. | |
useResizeObserver | Observe a element size changing. | |
useIntersectionObserver | Observe whether two elements intersect. | |
useCookie | Get, set and/or remove cookies. | |
useLocalStorage | Get, set and/or remove localStorage . | |
useSessionStorage | Get, set and/or remove sessionStorage . | |
Requests | useLoad | Load async data. |
useReload | Reload async data. | |
useSubmit | Submit network requests. | |
Configs | LoadConfig | Config component of request hooks. |
CacheConfig | Config component of useCache . |
Code licensed MIT, docs CC BY 4.0.